
When is WordCamp Philly?

WordCamp Philly 2015 is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, June 13th and 14th!

Cool. Where is it taking place?

Here’s where!

Why “WordCamp”?

We have an active monthly Meetup-based community here in Philly that gathers folks from all around the metro area towards a single goal: building a local community based on WordPress in all its uses. We feature local WordPress luminaries, each of whom contributes a talk, demonstration, or code for all to share and benefit from. So the question arises: why is “WordCamp Philly” necessary?

What Is It?

WordCamps are different. WordCamp Philly is intended to be the premiere WordPress-related technical conference in Philadelphia. It is a larger, two day event, with a Saturday full of learning opportunities.

And that’s still not all! There will also be a Sunday Contributor Day. This day will be less session based and more hands-on hacking! Don’t think you’re an expert developer? No worries. Contributor Day is also for developers and others who want to learn from some of the most talented people around.